Mag.rer.nat. Erdmuthe Farthofer

Erdmuthe Farthofer

I am zoologist with diploma. My field of specialization is ethology on ducks.

I was born on 25.12.1962 in Munich. My father was an civil ingeneer and my mother is a biologist.

A big part of my childhood my family lived in Namibia (I am the oldest of seven children.) By it I know great parts of this country and have friends there.

After finishing study I organized a journey (four weeks) through Namibia for intersted friends of mine. The photos are made at that time. They show only a very small section of what we have seen. My friends were fascinated.

We rent a car with all-weel drive and so were able to take pathes, which other tourists were not able to take.

I would like to organize again such a journey for only few persons.

With this journey I want  persons who are interested in saving nature to inspire for this fantastic country.

One of the most important source of income of Namibia is tourism. The young state tries a lot to save the enviroment and finance it with tourism.

If it has interest for you to come with me to Namibia, please contact me:


fax: (Germany, 0049) 08650-984831

tel: (Germany, 0049) 0173-3083759

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